About Energy Healing

About Energy Healing
We are multi-layered multi-dimensional beings. According to a yogic model of Pachamaya Kosha, our bodies have five sheaths, including:

  1. Physical body (Annamaya Kosha)
  2. Energy body (Pranamaya Kosha)
  3. Mental body (Manomaya Kosha)
  4. Higher Wisdom body (Vijnyanaaya Kosha)
  5. Bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha)
All these sheaths and bodies are interconnected. All the information about our experiences, struggles, joys, and memories from this and past lifetimes are stored and can be accessed through our subtle bodies.

The modality of energy healing allows us to access this information on an energetic level to be able to ignite the healing process for the whole body and mind

In my sessions I use a unique combination of different healing modalities including Reiki, working with your Higher Self and Soul Self, Angel healing, chakra work, past life healing, bloodline healing, as well as other tools.

Using these modalities, we can work on any intention you may have for improving your life and wellbeing, including

  • Physical and mental issues
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Work, career, and life purpose
  • Spiritual goals
A session is 50 minutes to 1 hr, done over the phone / video (FaceTime/WhatsApp/Zoom/Skype) or sent as a recording.

Before the session, I will ask you to send me an intention for our work together - what you would like to focus on and what are you hoping to accomplish as a result.

Typically, a session will start with some energy healing and clearing, where I work on your chakras, your energy field, and sometimes on the energy of the space you're in if that is necessary or requested.
This is an important step as carrying heavy energies in and around your body can significantly affect your mood and overall wellbeing!

Then we focus on your intention. I work with your Angels and your Higher Self to guide the session and heal what it is for the highest good for you in the light of your intention. This is completely different for every person. It can be focused on a relationship and healing the energy between you and another person; could be past life healing; working on the inner child and healing the wounds from your past; or anything else. The sessions are absolutely unique.

My intention is always your highest good and doing most efficient healing with most ease and grace.

I have been receiving and doing energy healing work for over 7 years now and it has been an incredibly helpful tool on my journey and in the lives of my clients, and it is my absolute joy and honor to be able to share this work with you!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Work With Me
Energy Healing Sessions

In my sessions I use a unique combination of different healing modalities including Reiki, working with your Higher Self and Soul Self, Angel healing, chakra work, past life healing, bloodline healing, active listening, as well as other tools I have learned and integrated over the years.

Using these modalities, we can work on any intention you may have for improving your life and wellbeing, including:

Career, business, and life purpose
Physical and mental health
Emotional wellbeing
Dreams and goals
Spiritual goals
Self- love and self-esteem
In the sessions we can work with:

Intentions, dreams, and goals
We can work with your dreams, intentions, and goals, aligning you to the outcome that is for your highest good and a path of most ease and grace on your way there, as we release any energetic blockages standing in your way.

We can diagnose and release energetic blocks that are holding you and your business back. This can include the transformation of unsupportive beliefs and structures; releasing emotional baggage (such as feelings of pressure, perfectionism, or attaching your sense of worth to your work); and healing your relationship with work to let your business be a source of fulfillment and joy.

Physical body and health

We can work with physical health on the energetic level, as a lot of our symptoms are psychosomatic in nature. In the sessions we work on healing the root causes of your symptoms, looking for the energetic, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. Please note that I am not a medical professional and that these Healing modalities are complementary in nature.
I only work with people who take responsibility for their own well-being and their health.

Soul work
A lot of the work that happens in the sessions is a process of reconnecting with the Soul self. We are multidimensional beings, and the Soul is a nonphysical part of ourselves that carries the wisdom, the knowing, and the unconditional love we unconsciously search for in all our life experiences. As we connect deeper to the Soul, we come home. Life becomes meaningful and joyful, we reconnect to a sense of purpose and love – the love that we are!

Like the sun, the Soul is always here, shining its light, but we can obscure parts of ourselves from feeling it by creating blocks and beliefs that prevent us from experiencing the love of our Soul.
For example, a deeply ingrained belief of not being worthy of love blocks us from experiencing the love that we are. Once we reconnect the parts of ourselves that feel unworthy to the Truth of who they are, everything changes.
How can you not feel worthy of love when you know you are Love?

Finding your purpose
In the sessions, we can work on activating your soul blueprint and your life purpose. Life purpose is not a single and static thing, rather it's the ability to embody your own light and bring it forth and various creative ways!
We all have innate gifts and abilities; we all have things that spark us up, that make us excited about living life. We can work on releasing any beliefs and fears that are blocking you from stepping into your Soul purpose, finding what lights you up, and sharing that with the world for the joy of it!

Relationship healing
We can work on healing the energetic connections between you and other people – it may be a partner, a Twin Flame, family members etc. This may include karma and past life healing, cutting energetic cords, healing past traumas and emotional wounds, releasing unhealthy patterns between you and more.

Chakra work
Healing, clearing, balancing, upgrading, and activating your energy centers (chakras). Each chakra is connected to a certain part of our physical body and parts of our emotional body and psyche. These centers can hold information and patterns of our physical and emotional experiences and working on these centers helps us release unhealthy patterns from our lives.

Epigenetic (ancestral) healing
Many patterns and challenges that play out in our lives may be coming from our ancestral lines. For instance, fear of speaking up or expressing yourself is common for people who come from cultures with a history of severe repression. As we release the epigenetic traumas, the fears fall away naturally. In the sessions, we also work to reconnect with the gifts and the power of your bloodline so you can receive the love, guidance, and support of your ancestors.

Emotional healing
Challenging physical symptoms and emotional states we experience may come from not being able to process emotions in a healthy way. Suppressed emotions create tension, internal conflict, as well as physical symptoms in the body. We can work to release suppressed emotions and set you free from their heaviness.

For example, if anger is suppressed (which often happens if we didn't feel safe expressing anger as children) we're unable to set healthy boundaries and feel a sense of safety around others. We can release the trapped emotions from the body and create a healthier flow of emotions in the body. As a result, you'll feel more like yourself, freer, more empowered and connected to your truth.

Balancing masculine and feminine
In sessions, I often work with the inner masculine and inner feminine aspects. These are parts of ourselves that are our internal masculine and feminine, our yin and yang, which we "translate" into our life.

For example, if your inner feminine part is not accepting your inner masculine, you may have a hard time accepting men in your life and a hard time using your masculine side (as energy not gender) – creating structure, being direct, strategical logical planning etc. and may feel like you are overflooded with feeling, only rely on intuitive guidance, and feel a lack of ground and support. On the opposite end, if the inner feminine is suppressed, there may be a lack of flow, of love, of meaning, intuition, and an overly logical or overly intellectualized rigid approach to life.

Doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman, we need both sides to work together harmoniously for our life and relationships to be in harmony, too.

Inner child healing
A happy, healthy inner child is our golden ticket to the experience of joy and magic in life!

Whether you are a healer yourself or would like to work on your intuition and healing abilities and gifts we can work on releasing whatever is blocking you from accessing your intuitive abilities more fully. Many natural healers carry a lot of fears and past life traumas when it comes to using their gifts and abilities, once we release those fears and the wounds of the past, you'll able to access our wisdom, intuition, and healing abilities more fully.

Trauma healing and release
I work with different types of traumas from minor ones we experience throughout life to big life-changing ones. Trauma release happens on energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. We work in a way that is for your highest good - gentle yet efficient. Working with traumatic events on an energetic level is a great way to release the experience from the body without retraumatizing it. Please note that I am not a mental health professional and only work with people who are mentally and emotionally stable and are not taking any heavy psychotropic medications.

Connecting to Angels, Spirit team, God (Goddess/Universe/Source..)
Our life here on Earth has many levels of experience – some of it is non-physical. The realm that is not accessible to the human eye is here, nonetheless. We don't come here alone – we have support and teams in spirit that help us, guide, and protect us. In sessions, we often create a deeper connection with the Angels, with God, and with energies that are here to support you.

Our relationship with God (source/(universe goddess/love/nature) is a crucial part of our well-being on all levels. It is our nature, our source of life force, when we disconnect from it we feel "unplugged" from all the good in life.
We may carry a lot of false beliefs and traumas around the concept of God from religious backgrounds. I want to empower you to find your authentic direct connection to God, to the Divine, to the Angels, which is your birthright and your true nature!

For example, a feeling of fear, depression, and being lost, can come from a lack of direct relationship with the Divine. Once you feel that connection and know in your whole being that it's real and here for you, life becomes a beautiful play: life feels meaningful again and you can relax into the knowing that you are unconditionally loved and supported.

How would your life look if you felt that way?

Connection to Nature
Similarly, we can feel a sense of disconnection from the natural world. Sometimes, that happens when we focus too much on the spiritual and nonphysical aspects of our being, or if we just did not have a chance to build a conscious relationship with nature and the Earth yet. This may result in feeling ungrounded, unsupported, aloof, like you are not quite here.

When we lose a sense of being here in the body, here on Earth, it may feel like you are in a haze, like life happens just outside of your reach, it may seem hard to create in the material world like building relationships, having steady work or income, a home etc.

But didn't we incarnate on this planet to experience embodied life in its fullness?

Nature, Earth is a great organism that we are a part of and this sacred connection is something we can recover.
This is a critical part of our collective work at this time as we find more loving and sustainable ways of living on this planet.
As we embrace our material nature and ground ourselves in a relationship with the Earth, life becomes fuller and richer. We feel ourselves a part of this beautiful ecosystem with its joys and pains. We become the bridges between heaven and earth, vessels of spiritual love embodied in the physical form.

Here are a few common challenges Lightworkers go through that we can address in healing sessions:

Being grounded and feeling good in your body.

As beings who are not used to the dense and fear-based space of the Earth, upon incarnation many Lightworkers and Starseeds want to "abandon ship" and "jump out" of the earthly reality. This is something I've been working on within myself for many years and I can attest that life becomes so much brighter and more colorful and joyful when you're HERE in your beautiful BODY! That being said, I have a lot of compassion and understanding for anyone struggling with this and would be happy to assist you. You can read more about the importance of "BEING HERE" - here. :)

Sharing your gifts.
You are here for a reason. Or rather, many reasons. you have something to offer to this world that you were so excited to share when you decided to incarnate! And most likely it will not come as a surprise to you but rather a confirmation of that which you already knew. As a Lightworker, you might find yourself feeling the "pressure" of your mission - like you're supposed to be doing something here but you're unsure what, or how. There might be a lot of fears about your mission related to your past or parallel lives, to resistance from your surrounding collective energy, your family, or other structures. We will work on aligning you with your Soul mission, and assisting you in coming more into your power so that you can shine your light and live your purpose with ease and grace!

Perhaps you've felt or noticed as your life progressed that the way you relate to and relate with people is different from what you see in the movies or in the majority of the social groups around you. That is because as a Lightworker you are hypersensitive (a blessing and a challenge!) and are hyper-aware of people's intentions, emotions, etc. chances are, you're very empathetic. You may feel worn down by toxic or insincere relationships and seek deeper, more meaningful connections. We can work together to release and heal any unhealthy relationships in your life, and open you more to Soul-aligned nourishing connections and partnerships!

Personal and Ancestral Karma and Traumas.
Personal Karma and Ancestral Karma are two big components that are affecting our lives in many ways. In sessions, we can work on healing and clearing your karma, and healing your ancestry, as well as do healing on the land you were born in and the land where you currently live. The same way the phrase "healthy roots, healthy trees" is true in the forest, it is also true in our lives. We carry our ancestry in our blood and our DNA, and as Lightworkers we chose to incarnate in particular family lines to assist in bringing more light and healing to these lines and receive the generous gifts of our ancestors that are lovingly passed down for us to claim. I know this can be a painful and work for many depending on your family story, but it is one worth doing, and the benefits you will reap will be worth it!

Twin Flame Journey.
Twin Flame journey may seem like uncharted territory - because it is. :) Right now with more twin flame couples incarnated than ever before in recorded history, we are here to raise the Earth into Love through our missions and sacred connections. There is a lot out there about Twin Flames, but one thing I do resonate with is that this process is all inner work. This is good news - because wherever you are on your TF journey, you can always take steps working on yourself, your mission, your healing that will take you closer towards a harmonious union. In sessions, we can work on healing between you and your Twin Flame, whether they're incarnated or not, and align the two of you more on the path of Union with most ease and grace!
Other common themes that come up in healing sessions include
- Self-Love - the shining cornerstone of pretty much everything in your life experience :)
- Physical ailments - assisting with the healing of physical symptoms by addressing root causes on energetic and emotional levels
- Alignment with Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine energies - going beyond the 3D template of gender templates and accessing the true power and nature of Masculine and Feminine aspects
- Healing addictions - clearing energetic patterns of addictive behaviors and healing root causes
- Chakra healing - clearing, healing, aligning, upgrading the chakras and the energy body
And more...
In the sessions, I connect with your Higher Self and assist with bringing all parts of you more into alignment with your Soul, your mission here on Earth, and the truth of who you ARE.

It is my greatest joy to assist Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Twin Flames in remembering their true essence and purpose, and grounding more here on the Earth plane.

If these resonate with you and you would like to work together, I'm happy to support you on your journey!
Ready to experience Energy Healing?
Book your session now!

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e-mail me: daria.livingcompassion@gmail.comhello@company.cc
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